11-13 May 2022
Vilamoura, Portugal
11-13 May 2022
Vilamoura, Portugal


More than 30 years after the introduction of the word proteomics, which quickly spread through the scientific literature and beyond, the instrumental development, the development of bioinformatics, the integration with other omics, the sharing of data between researchers, the integration with data coming from other scientific activities, allowed an enormous development of knowledge on living organisms (dead or alive) from viruses to humans but also showed new difficulties and most of all created new challenging opportunities. In all human activities where proteins happen or may come to be proteomics either already exist or will certainly be there in the future. Our proteomics meeting is divided into 4 main sessions referring to: technical and methodological aspects; to different applications; its complementarity with other areas and methodologies (named mixomics); and examples of state-of-the-art works. Reference invited speakers were carefully chosen to share and discuss from the most basic aspects to new subjects that most are unaware of. We also want science to be shared by all who want to do so. Small talks, flash talks and of course posters are programmed so that everyone can share and discuss their work and we all learn together.